The faster you can process and record important information, the more time you have for other work. Docparser can save you the trouble of pulling info out of PDF documents yourself. We have a native integration with Google Sheets. Or, you can utilize your Zapier account using this automation between Docparser >> Zapier >> Google Sheets. More below on the Zapier integration.
Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, which can automate your workflows from Docparser to Google Sheets. Each Zap has one app as the **trigger**, where your information comes from and which causes one or more **actions** in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.
**Note: This Docparser >> Zapier >> Google Sheets integration was built by Zapier, if you have a question, it’s best to get in touch with them here.**
Log Parsed Documents to a Google Sheet
Whenever new information is parsed out of uploaded documents on Docparser, every field you want will be sent to Google Sheets, and a new row will be created for each result as per your parsing rules, keeping a perfect record with no effort on your part.
Here's what you'll need to get started:
- A Docparser Account
- A Zapier Account
- A Google Sheet (and Google Account)
1) Start by creating a Zap that automatically takes your new parsed documents and logs that data to a Google Sheet. Click the "Use this Zap" button here to get started.
2) In Docparser, navigate to My Account > API Credentials and copy your secret API key. Use this key to authenticate your Docparser account with Zapier.
3) Choose the document parser from the drop down from which you want to obtain the parsed data. Make sure you have at least one recently parsed document created in Docparser. This data will be used to create the framework of your Zapier automation.
4) Next, you'll create your Action step, logging the parsed document data to a Google Sheet. If you haven't already, create a Google Sheet to log your parsed doc data to. Your Google Sheet must have headers.
5) Enter your Google credentials to connect your account to Zapier.
6) This is the most important step of setting up your Zap. You're telling Zapier what to do with the data it's grabbing from Docparser (in this case, the customer address parsed from a work order). Use the drop downs in each Google Sheets field to map the Docparser data to your Google Sheet.
7) After testing that step, your Zap will be turned on and you're ready to go! From now on, data parsed via Docparser will be logged to your Google Sheet.