Our "Purchase Order Date" parsing rule preset lets you create a parsing rule capable of detecting and extracting the date of an invoice with only two clicks. Under the hood, a combination of pattern and keyword based recognition is used and you should be able to get reliable results without the need of tweaking the parsing rule options.
This intelligent filter does not rely on the position of your data inside the document. This means that the same parsing rule can be used to extract Purchase Order Dates from a variety of different purchase order layouts.
How exactly does the parsing work?
Our Purchase order Date extraction filter uses a combination of pattern and keyword based recognition. Basically we first extract anything which looks like an purchase order date and we then look for certain keywords nearby. Docparser comes with a ready-to-use keyword dictionary which aims to cover most purchase & sales order layouts out of the box.
Can I format the output of the parsed dates?
Yes, parsed dates can be formatted to any format. All you need to do is add an additional formatting filter after the Purchase Order Date filter (Add Table Filter Modify Cell Content Format Dates'. This new filter will let you define a custom output format for you dates as described in this article.
What can I do if my Purchase Order Dates are not recognised?
Most of the time this means that our keyword dictionary is missing a certain keyword used in your purchase order template. We can alter our dictionaries easily and will be happy to resolve the problem for you. Please refer to this article on how to report issues with Invoices, Sales and Purchase Order parsing presets.