Setting up Slack
Docparser can be easily configured to send messages that include parsed data or file metadata directly to Slack.
To get started navigate to the
Slack website and log in. Before creating your Slack App it is recommended that you review the Slack API documentation and video on getting started.
Once you have your Slack App created, click Install on Your Apps in the top right or select your app from the drop-down and hit "Install App" on the left.
Next, you will need to copy the webhook URL and keep this for setting up in Docparser.
Setting up Docparser
First begin by logging in to Docparser, then navigate to the parser you want to set up with your Slack App, once there click Integrations and choose the Advanced Webhook option.
Give your integration a name then paste the webhook URL from Slack into the Target URL, then you will need to change the content type to JSON.
Finally, configure the payload to conform with Slacks API. This is done by using a single JSON field "Text" followed by the message and parsed data you want to include. Any parsing rule or metadata can be included by using the parsing rule name surrounded by double curly brackets - as shown for the file name in the example below.
{ "text" : "The following document {{file_name}} completed parsing." }
Now click "Save and Test" and then "Send Test Data". If the test was successful the test window will display a response code of 200.