Sending data parsed from PDF documents to Zapier is easy thanks to our Docparser Zapier app. Once Zapier and Docparser are connected, parsed data will automatically be sent to Zapier and can then be pushed to literally hundreds of apps.
Our Zap supports 2 use-cases.
- Sending the parsed table all at once, this request contains all parsed data fields, including nested lists of line-items in case you are extracting tabular data from your PDF document.
- Alternatively you can choose to have you data triggered row by row of your parsed PDF table.
By default, we are sending one request to Zapier for each parsed document. This request contains all parsed data fields, including nested lists of line-items in case you are extracting tabular data from your PDF document.
Here is how you make this work with Zapier:
1/ Create a new Zap in Zapier
Choose Docparser as the first app and connect your account. At this point you will see your options for the trigger.
2/ Choose your target app in Zapier
Continue and add the app to which you want to send your data. We will choose Google Sheets, you can however choose any other app supported by Zapier. Just map your data to the appropriate Google Sheets column.
3/ Save your Zap
This step is crucial. Once saved, the integration will appear inside your Docparser app and you can then change the settings.
4/ A successful test will result in table line items from your PDF tables, being inserted row-by-row into Google Sheets.